Striptease 💃 (Fev 2023 Exhibit)
Falling in love is all about making yourself vulnerable. You expose yourself to create a level of intimacy with another. Seduction is a tactic designed to attract the other person by enhancing or suppressing certain traits. The art of attraction has us bending over backwards (literally) in an endless quest to find the right mate, sometimes for life, sometimes just for 10 minutes.
The road to love is littered with many obstacles and our failures can be just as monumental as are successes. Whether you fall off your heels, loose a fake eyelash or have erectile dysfunction, you are a hero! There have been many times where I swore I was done with this silly game. Celibacy seemed like the only way to regain a shadow of dignity. But off the wagon I fell just to find myself again chewing frantically on this toxic substance we call love. I can't control myself.
My mom avidly wished for me marry a doctor or a lawyer but I could never resist anything wearing a wife-beater and a tool belt. I've screamed at men to stop respecting me during sex and I've screamed at men for leaving cookie crumbs in my sheets. I bring shame to the entire animal kingdom with my erratic behaviour.
In times of desperation, I've toyed with the idea of doing porn. But I quickly realized the offer for a specimen like myself outweighed the demand by far. My orifices belong in a museum dedicated to perseverance and resilience. I've been around the block. It was love every time. When I moved to my neighbourhood, the police had surveyed 400 prostitutes within a 1 mile radius. They were a mix of men, women and transgenders.
The sex workers made a tourist attraction out of my street corner. I felt nothing but admiration for them. In my eyes, each of them was a star. I felt grateful to have them bring relief to the never ending hunger that tormented so many souls in this densely populated area of town.
"When Eve said to Adam, ‘Stop calling me Madam,’ the world became far more exciting."
— Noël Coward, introducing Marlene Dietrich at London’s Café de Paris in 1954.
You are a hero! ❤️ xJoan
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